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86 x 122 cm (34” x 48”)
€ 4 000
Contact us for shipping quote, custom requests, export prices or if you're an interior professional.
Shell mirror, 1 of 1
A favourite. It doesn’t shy off from presenting itself as bold and grand. Top end shows an imposing crown piece and around the frame you’ll find hund- reds of beautiful shells and creative details showing off. A true statement.
Barnacles, scallops, dove shells, sea urchins, frog shells, sea bisquits, muffin shells, lambis, lettered cone, frog shells, abalones, tiger cowries, egg cowries, whelks, polished trocas and turbos, Lister’s conch, murex shells, star shells, spindle shells, queen conch, etc, etc
Inner and outer rim: olives
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